Background. Sleep quality is a person's satisfaction with their sleep, so that the person does not feel fatigue, anxiety, lethargy, dark eyes, redness of the conjunctiva, headaches and also frequent yawning. However, many factors can affect sleep quality: illness, fatigue and exhaustion, psychological stress, medications, diet, environment, motivation, lifestyle and age. Irregular sleep patterns are habits that are not good for the health of the body, especially for an athlete. For a futsal athlete, good sleep patterns greatly affect their performance. If futsal athletes experience poor sleep patterns, athlete performance will decrease, which can result in a failure of concentration during training, lack of enthusiasm or feeling weak during training or during matches.
Methods. This research method uses data collection techniques through questionnaires involving 52 high school futsal athletes and students who actively participate in regional level tournaments. This study aims to determine the effect of irregular sleep habits on the performance of futsal athletes.
Data Analysis. The quantitative descriptive case study method in the journal analysis explores the impact of irregular sleep patterns on futsal athletes. Through filling out questionnaires on goggle form, we can retrieve data to see how futsal athletes in their irregular sleep patterns. Data related to athletes' sleep habits include sleep duration, nighttime sleep, sleep quality and sleep monitoring.
Results. The study showed that most futsal athletes (58%) had irregular sleep habits. This irregular sleep pattern also adversely affects athlete performance, such as reduced agility, speed and accuracy in futsal matches. Therefore, good sleep management and education on the importance of adequate and quality sleep during training for futsal athletes is needed so that their performance remains optimal. What can be recommended to futsal athletes, do not play futsal if you feel weak due to poor sleep quality such as headaches, fever and dizziness.
Key words: sleep quality, sleep patterns, athlete performance