Background. This type of track and field sport is very popular, and the number of athletes around the world has increased over the past few decades. The most supportive motives for trainers are maintaining health, maintaining stamina, and reducing weight or avoiding weight gain. Running and sports contribute to various health-related benefits as well as reducing overall body fat. optimizes the composition of fat molecules in the blood, lowers resting heart rate, and improves overall cardiovascular fitness. ETAP was complained about by several trainers in Bandung in observations carried out by technicians and 8 to 3 athletes with a focus on how to deal with it and various complaints that arise during sports. It was found that the trainers in Bandung were experiencing problems with stomach cramps
Method. This research utilizes quantitative methods with a case study approach. A case study is a research method used to explore complex and in-depth phenomena in a certain context from sources that are rich in information about a topic, in this research we created a questionnaire using g.form and the information obtained is online. The opinions referred to in this questionnaire are accompanied by opinions, suggestions, and descriptions that explain certain subjects.
Data Analysis. The qualitative case study method in journal analysis identifies the views of athletes in various sports related to Exercise-related transient abdominal pain (ETAP) through an online form, namely g.form. The questions in the Google form were designed to summarize athletes' personal experiences regarding eating before exercise which can cause cramps. This collection of opinions will highlight its influence on athlete performance. Quantitative data from Google Forms will be analyzed in depth, identifying patterns, similarities, and athletes' perceptions of the implications of cramps.
Results. 89% responden menyatakan kebiasaan tidur larut malam atau kekurangan jam tidur berdampak pada penurunan kualitas dan peforma atlet. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan kebiasaan tidur larut malam dapat berdampak siginifikan terhadap penurunan kualitas dan peforma atlet.