• Reza Febrianto Nurdin Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Donald Syafrianto
  • Reza Febrianto Nurdin
  • Tri Prasetyo
  • Rahmat Hidayat


Background. The game of soccer is a body contact sport, so athletes and soccer players are very likely to experience injury to this area, which can cause physical deterioration and even permanent disability or death. There are several causes, including wrong tactics or basic techniques, wrong falls, and excessive training loads. excessive (overloaded). Fatigue (overtraining, lack of warm-up, cool-down, or inappropriate use of exercise equipment. The aim of this literature review is to identify and analyze research trends, data collection. Articles are selected by topic.

Methode. The research method used was a literature review by following the literature review procedure by Machi and Mcevoy. Literature study is a research design by collecting data sources related to a topic. The information base used is Google Scholar. The way this method works is by analyzing journals and then making summaries related to questions and research objectives, the characteristics of the articles are Accredited International Journals, SINTA Accredited Journals and Scopus. The search results for the period 2007 - 2022 found 25 articles. International articles discussing soccer player injury prevention programs.

Data Analysis. The review process is carried out on selected scientific articles based on keywords on Google Scholar "Prevention Injury Programs In Soccer Players". There are 15 international articles that have been reviewed from the BMC Sport Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation Journal based on title and year, research methods, Prevention Programs to research findings.

Result. Based on the results of expert assessment and trial results, this injury can be caused by both modifiable and non-modifiable factors, thus justifying the implementation of an injury prevention program. ball Some preventive actions to minimize the occurrence of soccer injuries include: Applying knowledge, attitudes and actions that are correct and correct Knowledge, attitudes and behavior to prevent these injuries depending on (1) the environment, (2) the equipment used, (3 ) exercise, (4) warm up, stretch, and cool down adequately, and (4) you can do this through prevention. (5) proper selection and nutrition, (6) trainer or masseuse, and (7) mentoring or mentoring.

How to Cite
Febrianto Nurdin, R., Syafrianto, D., Nurdin, R. F., Prasetyo, T., & Hidayat, R. (2023). PROGRAM PENCEGAHAN CEDERA PADA PEMAIN SEPAK BOLA : STUDI LITERATUR. JURNAL AORTA, 1(01), 62-72. Retrieved from