Publication Ethics


Pelita Kota Journal in developing peer-reviewed scientific periodicals as contribution to knowledge of urban design and infrastructure; regional development studies; environmental and sustainability; land uses and spatial planning; disaster management; defense and border area management; geography, mapping and remote sensing; tourism, coastal and island management; transportation and economic studies; housing and settlement; social and cultural studies; law and administration planning. All matters related to urban and regional planning studies for the enhancement of Pelita Kota Journal. All published manuscripts will be reviewed by peer review committee consists of related experts therefore the published manuscripts in accordance with editorial standard. Publishing ethic statement is written to describe the expected behavior and attitude of the peer review, editor, and author.     

This statement is based on regulation number 5 issued by LIPI’s chief in year 2014 about code of ethics for scientific publication. Ethics of scientific publications upholds three ethical values in publication, namely (i) Neutrality, which is free from conflicts of interest in the management of publications; (ii) Justice, namely granting authorship rights to those entitled to become authors/writers; and (iii) Honesty, which is free from duplication, fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism in publications.

Scientific periodicals  of Pelita Kota Journal is communication media between academics and peer review, therefore publisher has responsibility to maintain the validity and independency of published research publication, literature review, and case study. Publishing decision is purely determined by manuscript quality and not affected by sponsor or advertorial. The Blind method is applied in review process to minimize bias and subjectivity.  


Peer review should provide recommendation to assist author for the published manuscript quality and the editor to determine editorial policy in accordance to his/ her expertise.

  1. Willingness

Peer review should provide information to the editor about their willing in reviewing the manuscripts to publish. Whereas the peer review is unwilling, he/ she should inform the editor. Peer review should provide information to editor on his/ her willingness

  1. Confidentiality 

The reviewed manuscripts are secret documents. Communication with other parties without authors consent is prohibited.

  1. Objectivity Standard

Peer review should follow the objectivity principle and avoid personal critics on the author in manuscripts review processing. All comments should include with clear and constructing suggestion.

  1. Source Clarity

Peer review is recommended to provide information to the authors on research, literature review, or relevant case study without citation, contain substantial similarity or overlap with reviewed manuscript.

  1. Conflict of Interest
  • Peer review is not allowed to use unpublished manuscript material for personal interest without the author’s written consent.
  • The written information and ideas in reviewed manuscript is confidential and prohibited to disseminate and use for personal interest.
  • Whereas there is conflict of interest due to the reasons of competition, collaboration, or other relation with the authors, institutions, or company involving in publishing, peer review is not allowed to evaluate the related manuscript.


  1. Publishing Decision

Publishing manuscript decision is carried out by editor base on the policy and guidance from editorial committee in accordance with legal requirements and suitability, for example it does not contain information harming other party or slander, copyrights disputes, and plagiarism. Communication with other editors or peer review might be carried out to support manuscripts publishing policy decision. Publishing decision by editor could not be carried out base on personal consideration. 

  1. Justice

Editor should be able to evaluate manuscript base on its scientific content without consideration on race, gender, sexual orientation, faith and belief, tribe, citizenship, or author political philosophy.

  1. Confidentiality 

The information in the manuscript is confidential and not to be disseminated to author, peer review, peer review candidate, editor, and related publisher.

  1. Conflict of Interest
  • Editor is not allowed to use pre-published manuscript material for personal need without written consent from the author, in any condition whatsoever.
  • The information and ideas in the peer-reviewed process manuscript is confidential and not to be disseminated or used for personal need.
  • Whereas there is conflict of interest due to the reasons of competition, collaboration, or other relation with author, institution or related publisher company, the editor is not allowed to evaluate the related manuscript. Therefore, other editor committee member should be involved in manuscript publishing decision. 
  • The editor should ensure all related parties in reviewing process and manuscript publishing, stating conflict of interest in manuscript publishing, and also correcting whereas there is the conflict of interest is revealed pot manuscript publication. The editor is allowed to act in accordance whereas needed, for example publishing editorial statement or manuscript retraction. 
  • Non peer-reviewed division written by editor should be easily distinguished and identified in scientific periodicals.
  1. 5Involvement and collaboration in Investigation

Reports on publishing unethical behaviors might be carried out, even years after the manuscript published. The report should be responded by the editor. The editor should contact the author and communicate with the report related institution. Correction, retraction, or other editorial notes should be published as legal response embodiment on complain report.   

  1. Published Manuscript’sFatal Mistake

Whereas the editor or other party found fatal mistake and inaccuracy on the published manuscript, th editor should provide information and asking for correction or retraction from the author.

  2. Writing Standard

     The Author must write the manuscript in coresponding with the writing standards. The Standars for the author in preparing publishing manuscript inscientific periodicals

  1. The standards for the author in preparing publishing manuscript in scientific periodicals:
  • Presenting accurate data (using controlled and specific protocol/ procedure), trustable, repeatable, precise, and validated.
  • Presenting proper details and reference to facilitate other parties in repeating research or maintaining stages in the manuscript.
  • Distinguishing personal opinion and accurate and objective scientific statement from literature source.
  1. Data and Retention Access

Raw data access should be provided for review editorial need.

  1. Authenticity and Plagiarism

The manuscript should be contained original research or maintenance. The published citation or adaptation from the author and the research or maintenance should be clearly stated. All forms of plagiarism are prohibited.  

  1. Multiple, Repetition, or Simultaneous Publication

Multiple, repetition, or simultaneous publication on other publication media are prohibited. Manuscripts with similar information could not be submitted or published on other scientific periodicals.


  1. Information and Literature Source

Information from personal communication such as interview, correspondence, and discussion or other confidential activities such as manuscripts jury or grant application or research fund scheme, are prohibited to use without written consent from the source or original author.  

  1. Manuscript Writing Agreement

The main author and all co-authors should agree the manuscript ending version and sign the provided submitting form of the scientific periodicals.

  1. Precarious Matter and, Human and Animal Subject

Precarious tools and matters should be clearly written in the manuscript. All procedures related to human and animal should be agreed by related institutional committee, and the agreement should be stated in the manuscript. Human right is significant matter and should be understood by the author. The author should clarify the act agreement and information acceptance statement of every involving human.

  1. Conflict of Interest

The conflict of interest indication should be stated as early as possible. All supports in financial, work relation, consultation, resource ownership, paid experts statement, patent registration/ application, grant or other funding scheme should be clearly stated.

  1. Published Manuscript’s Fatal Mistake

The author’s actions in finding published manuscript’s fatal mistake:

  1. Immediately contacting publisher’s editor.
  2. Immediately retract or correct the manuscript.



Jurnal Pelita Kota by Study Program of Urban and Regional Planning, Universitas Karimun.

Jl. Raya Komp. Timah, Tik. Uma, Tebing, Kabupaten Karimun, Kepulauan Riau, 29663

Phone 62 852-6320-8304, Fax:0777-7367400

ISSN: 2723-651X (Online)