Wind Farming Optimal Location in Semarang City Through GIS
The need for energy use is increasing yearly, including in Indonesia, with most energy coming from non-renewable sources. There are ten locations with the most potential for wind power generation, with Central Java in fourth place and in the middle of Java, which makes electricity distribution easier. Semarang City is Central Java Province's capital, experiencing development and increasing energy needs. The Semarang City Regional Medium Term Development Plan has provided several renewable power generation options, such as solar power, but has yet to accommodate wind farming. Research on wind farming is needed, especially regarding the suitability of its location in Semarang City. This research aims to map the optimal location of Semarang wind farms. This research is quantitative research with an overlay scoring analysis method. The research results show that five areas spread across Mijen, Ngaliyan, Tugu, and Tembalang are optimal for use as wind farms. The largest land area is in Mijen District, with a land area of 18.34 hectares. Because this research uses annual average wind speed data, further research can test the efficiency of wind farming at each location on a micro basis with daily or weekly wind speed data.